
Benchmarking best practices


Benchmarking involves comparing your own performance, or that of your organisation, against best practice for your industry, function, sector or activity.

Clients ask us to carry out benchmarking assignments for a variety of reasons:

Poor benchmarking can degenerate into “voyeurism”. As a consequence we push our clients to: (1) identify the implications; (2) develop a workable action plan; and (3) follow it through.

Illustrative assignments we have carried out include:

When we benchmark, we typically collect both quantitative and qualitative information. Most projects have five separate phases:

Data collection
Analysing Results
Implementing Changes
Reviewing Progress

For a fuller discussion of benchmarking and our standard five-phased approach, see the following article under “Resources & Publications”: benchmarking-article

If you wish to see a short edited extract from one of our benchmarking reports, consult: sample-benchmarking-report-extract

To discuss your requirements further, by all means contact: info@mcnultymanagementconsultants.com


For more information contact info@mcnultymanagementconsultants.com
or call
(44) 01923 835007

Daily quote:

“Congenial labour is the essence of happiness”
(Arthur Christopher Benson)

McNulty Management Consultants

Daily Management Nugget

Research and facts which all managers should know

Today’s Nugget:

Five steps to improving your chances of career satisfaction (click above)

Tomorrow’s Nugget:

Capturing your organisation’s “institutional memory” for future use